Martin Glover of Digitspace hosted a guided British Sign Language tour at Lumiere Durham 2021.

Watch the video below to experience Martin’s specially curated tour of a selection of Lumiere artworks in BSL.

Lumiere artworks included in the tour: 

Apollo 50, When Today Makes Yesterday Tomorrow, Colour By Light, Invisible Hearts, Anthology – Into The Light, Article 12, Two For Joy, City of Light, City of Stories, Plastica Botanica and Tree of Hope

A British Sign Language Tour of Lumiere Durham 2021 by Martin Glover from Digitspace
  • Transcript of Martin's BSL tour - VIEW

About Martin Glover

Martin, deaf BSL user, is an architect and art facilitator.  He currently manages his Digitspace project, funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, championing better Visual Art access for British Sign language users nationally, starting with the North East region as a pilot scheme.

Twitter:  @_digitspace
